
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Free Green Screen Software For Windows | Free Image Editing Software Windows

A great leap to the visual technology is the green-screen software. It allows photographers and even people with morbid imagination to create images and videos of your choice. Using this advance in technology, video and image editing can be considered outside the box concept. Accordingly, any user, especially photographer can depart from the basic principles of photography.

To be easily understood, the software is the fusion of two different images into one to get a realistic picture. It is as subject of merger and paste it into a different background. In the process of doing so, the color settings of the images become green or blue, green, but is more commonly used due to its high sensitivity to image sensors and requires less light in the image editing.

A basic tool as a precursor of this technology is a camera. Cameras come in different units and specifications today. For traditionalists, an Instamatic camera or single camera, lens reflection is being used. Photographs taken with these cameras are products of good knowledge base and skills of photography. It follows the basic principles of light, distance, speed, emphasis item, the shutter speed and lens aperture. These factors affect the image captured by the cameras manually operated. Returning to the green screen program remains a need for photographers to take good, clear photos for editing of these images still depends on the original image.

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