
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bluray Software Windows 7 | Burning Software For Windows 7

The increased competition in the wars next generation optical disc format video is between HD-DVD and Blu-ray. Blu-ray is backed by the Blu-ray Disc Association, of which Sony is a member. There is only one HD format video and audio, Blu-Ray format is a higher-capacity storage. HD DVD at this time is being out sold by Blu-ray. Blu-ray disc has sold 500,000 more.

Is it just a case of "new toy" or "The grass is greener? You can count on Blu-Ray to be parallel to the growing popularity of HDTV and can replace legacy systems unless the avalanche of new toys than Blu-Ray. If you are an audiophile can remember when DAT (Digital Audio Tape) provided as the be all end all of sound. DAT is used today in some situations, tape backup and not much else.

If a lifespan of 10 years for Blu-ray projects, what comes next? It is very likely that another phase of planned obsolescence.

SSD is the future, count on it, yet has hurdles to pass before it can replace spinning units. A solid state drive (SSD) is an alternative non-magnetic rotating disk. SSD is based on flash memory. Unlike traditional spinning units of magnetic and flying read / write heads, a SSD is designed with flash memory and requires no moving parts.

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